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Animal Health

Medicon Ireland Ltd offer a range of easy to use diagnostic systems which are ideal for general health profiles, preanesthetics, customer care and wellness programs and emergency cases.

Our In-house haematology and biochemistry diagnostics solutions combined with data management and first class service and support helps deliver a difference in animal healthcare to veterinary practices.

Testing blood and urine is an important part in assessing the general health of pets and animals, as a wealth of health status information can be available in a matter of minutes. A thorough and accurate picture of the patient's health status can be received, allowing the vet to explain the findings to the pet owner, point out abnormalities, discuss recommendations and confidently begin treatment.

It is important to maintain the quality of these systems throughout their lives and therefore Medicon offer a fully comprehensive maintenance service. Our systems are also a valuable income stream in any veterinary practice.


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02830 835 500
02830 835 544